The Red Queen Series

I say this as someone who reads a lot, but hasn’t read a whole lot this year (for me).  I have read 22 books.  This is an extremely low number for me.  This past week while trying to read through my extensive TBR pile I decided that alphabetical (by author) was the way to go.  My mission: read all of my books by authors with an ‘A’ last name, then move to the rest of the alphabet.  How long will this last?  Who knows!  I am thankful that this solution to my expansive TBR (1200+ books owned… and counting… and counting… and counting…) because it allowed me to start ‘The Red Queen’ Series.  I am not done with it.  So you’ll get no spoilers from me and I hope I manage to go unspoiled as I read through the 4 books.

I currently have 18 pages left to read of book 2, ‘The Glass Sword’.  I feel like my reading flame has been reignited.  I am so excited to read the last two books of the series.  I guess this is what next week is for.


A re-enthused reader.