Book budgets – is there such a thing?

Is there such a thing as too many books?  Theoretically speaking, no.  But speaking in terms of cost and space- probably yes.  I’m a tiny bit of a hoarder.  Not television show level hoarder, but one just the same.  Clothes, shoes and books being the top three things that I hoard.

Right now I’m without a bookcase so I am working on 5 foot stacks of books (currently there are 6 such stacks) – I am working on the Mount Rushmore of literature.

Sometimes you have to admit you need help.  I need a book budget.  Granted, the beautiful part of books is that they’re multi-use.  You can re-read or pass along to friends (which I do constantly).  So those 5 piles will not be there forever, but as I’m working my way through them I think I need to implement a budget or something that will allow me to make a dent in the books (both physical and ebook variety) that I have accumulated.

Has anyone put book buying limitations on themselves?

If so, has it been effective?

2 thoughts on “Book budgets – is there such a thing?

  1. I had originally given myself a book a week with the opportunity to save up my book purchases.
    I did a konmari exercise on my books and found that I only revisited certain types of books, now I limit myself to those. Everything else I borrow from the library or I get for free.

    With the free books, I only keep those I know I’ll re-read since space is definitely an issue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the idea of giving yourself a book/week with carryover. I honestly feel like I’m all over the map with books so I haven’t been able to find a niche and stick there (for purchasing anyway) – but maybe I have a niche that I’m not even aware of.


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