so… 2020 was a dumpster fire, now what?

The world is divided. I feel like I don’t have much in common with anyone anymore. That is why I’m going to settle on the one thing EVERYONE can agree with. 2020 was a dumpster fire.

That’s not to say that all was lost. I had some really amazing self growth and realization in 2020. I realized that I definitely don’t want to sit in front of a computer 8-10 hours a day anymore. I realized how much my friends and family supporting me means. I realized my Grinch heart would grow even more with the arrival of a new nephew.

If 2020 was the fire. 2021 needs to be, in part, me putting a fire extinguisher to it.

That’s not to say all of it is within my scope. I ultimately do not have control of Covid-19 (BUMMER! I KNOW!). I can only do what I am able to do within my sphere. I can love the people around me fiercely. I can be there for my friends. I can work hard, and simultaneously work hard at finding different job that will be what I ultimately need. 2021 is the year of fulfilling my soul. Fun fact: I’m going to be 40 this year- and it turns out that 39+ years are enough years to determine things you don’t like in your life and allow you a plan to move forward leaving everything (and everyone) that doesn’t serve you in the past.

So what am I doing?

I’m reading.

I’m writing.

I’m doing yoga.

I’m meditating.

I’m trying to learn (re-learn?) Spanish.

I’m drinking less (trying to…).

Did I mention that I’m reading?

I am currently reading my first two books of the year. I am reading the following:

  1. 14 – JT Ellison – A Taylor Jackson (paperback)
  2. Ruined by the SEAL – Zoe York (ebook)

I find I’m able to read two books at once as long as they’re polar opposite on the spectrum of book types available to me. I am unsure if I have a plan for how I am going to read this year. For physical books I am doing one book alphabetically per authors last name (I’m on E as you can see above). I’m unsure how long this will list, but we’re trying here!

What are your plans for 2021?