I have a blog… I should probably blog.

When I try to sit down and review a book I ultimately think about how me an avid book reader can contribute. Does my opinion actually mean anything? What does it add to the atmosphere?

I don’t know. That’s the truth of it.

But I love books and people who love books should be talking to other book lovers about the books that they love (or don’t love).

When I realized that “Bookstagram” existed a few years back it totally overhauled what I was reading. I saw a lot of books that I would never have sought out otherwise and for that reason I have to commit myself to adding my piece to the conversation. There is little in life that gives me more than books give me. They give me an escape, use of my imagination, a therapist, a way to remember and a way to forget all in one.

Things I should be talking about:

1. Goodreads is running their reading challenge again and I’m about to fall dreadfully short. Granted, my goal is through the roof (read: completely not attainable) at 150 books per year. I’m reading books 51 & 52 right now. I realize that I have to put this in perspective. There probably aren’t many people who read even that many books in a year, so I should be happy with that number. I’m not.

2. I’ve been voraciously reading the Detective Helen Grace series by MJ Arlidge. I am currently on book 5 (‘Little Boy Blue’) of the series and I’m tearing through them. Love short chapters, because they allow you to keep saying “just one more, just one more chapter” before you fall asleep.

3. I have also been trying to catch up on my backlog and tracking it on Instagram through #readwhatyouown — as it turns out I own. A LOT. I’ve decided to work through the physical books I own by reading through alphabetically based on the authors last name. I’m still in the A’s. It’s a new concept. On my ebooks I’m working through in the order of which I received them (either purchased or through NetGalley)

4. Speaking of NetGalley. I have read a few books I received from that site recently. They’ve been varied, but I’ve enjoyed them all so far.

  • My Life As A Bench – Jaq Hazell – This book had a really interesting concept. It tells the story of a teenage girl who died. After her death her family dedicates a bench in her honor. It follows her moving back and forth between her trying to speak to people from her new place as an inanimate object and through flashbacks of her life. There was a bit of repetitiveness in the flashbacks, which made me feel like ultimately the story could have been a shortened a bit, but I appreciated a new twist.
  • Edge of Truth – Brynn Kelly
  • If Not For You – Debbie Macomber (currently reading) – This may be borderline too sappy for me. Maybe I’m not just in a straight romance state of mind, because usually it doesn’t bother me as much. Maybe I’m just being a love scrooge.

This felt good. I have to do this more.

Happy reading!