Taming Your TBR…

As someone who is both a book lover and a shopaholic I find my TBR list to be growing not only in wishlist form, but in physical book form.  I now am the proud owner of 312 Kindle books and 5 shoulder high stacks of physical books (not like that is some huge feat- I’m 5 foot 3 inches tall and my shoulders aren’t that far off the ground).  Even given my height, this is still a massive number of books.  My to be read lists grows… daily. I read a lot of books, my goal for this year is 150- so I power through, but seeing these numbers is sometimes daunting even for a voracious reader such as myself.

Amazon has become a slippery slope for me.

“Readers who bought this book also bought…”

This sentence has become the thing that nightmares, credit card nightmares are made of.

I need help taming my TBR lists.  I have put a spending freeze in place, but that doesn’t help me sort through what I already have.

How do you tame your TBR?  Do you set a particular order and never divert from it?  Do you read in the order you purchase?  Do you just go based on feeling when you have to start something new?

Right now my TBR is conquering me, rather than me conquering it.

Consider this a plea…. HELP!

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